About Us

SCAN is one of 17 Salem Neighborhood Associations and was first established in 1973. Salem Revised Code Chapter 64 sets out the purpose and the operations of Neighborhood Associations.
Neighborhood Associations serve as citizen advisory groups to the Salem City Council and Boards and Commissions, and are deeply involved in land use decisions affecting Salem neighborhoods.
SCAN takes positions on a variety of issues that come before the City Council, and SCAN members frequently testify on behalf of residents.
SCAN is governed by our Bylaws which we are empowered to adopt and amend as necessary. Our Bylaws provide for a Board of up to 20 community members who are elected to serve two-year terms at our annual meeting. Our officers, elected annually by the Board, include a President, Vice-President and Secretary.
You can find more information about SCAN, including minutes and agendas of past SCAN meetings, by going to our page on the City of Salem website.
Our City Councilors